I need to get back on board with my knitting, too, if I'm going to finish these gifts in time! I've been spending all evening looking at/drooling over/obsessing about cloth diapers. I need to get my head back in the game!
I have been on a flats and prefolds kick for about a week now. If I'm at home, that's all MissE's been wearing. I've been saving the AIO's and AI2's for when we're out and about. I did score a few medium RagaBabe's this week though! Woo hoo! Finally had to pack away the smalls. They haven't fit her for weeks, but now it's to the point that they're leaking every time, so onto building our medium stash!
MissE's had a terrible teething rash the last few days and it always looks better when I put her in a flat or a prefold or just let her have some naked time. She gets lots of naked time (I'd post a cute picture, but I don't want her bare booty circulating around the internet). Here's one of her in a prefold today instead:
Also, found some cute pictures:
Because I don't wear paper/plastic chemical-laden underwear...
Awesome! If I hadn't already wrapped our gifts, I totally would've used newspaper!
Yeah, we fail on all accounts. Especially if you count browsing the internet as reading...
(Vintage Breastfeeding Advice from Australia)
That is all...